London Marathon Club Place

London Marathon Club Place

Our club, through its affiliation with England Athletics, is allocated 1 place for one of our members to participate in the event.

London Marathon

The Criteria

Criteria for putting a name forward for a club place:

Applicant should have been a member for at least a year.

Applicant should renew their membership in the year they represent the club in the Marathon.

First choice of applicants are members who had applied in the official ballot and been declined, and have not done the London marathon before.

Second choice of applicants are members who had applied in the official ballot and been declined, and have done the London marathon before.

Third choice is anyone who didn’t apply for the ballot who wants to participate, and has not done it before.

Fourth choice is anyone who didn’t apply for the ballot who would like to participate.

What next?

Club members will be notified of the process when the official ballot replies have been sent out to applicants, with a deadline of 3 weeks for club members to apply.

If there is more than one choice of applicant, a draw should take place on a club night session.

The committee member in charge of the London Marathon place, will notify England athletics of our successful candidate via the England Athletics email link send to the Club Secretary.

The successful club member must apply and pay by the place before the England Athletics deadline.

Hoad Hill Harriers

Hoad Hill Harriers, c/o GSK Sports Club North Lonsdale Road, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 9DR

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